Katie's Journey
Katie's Story
About SDS
Katie's Transplant
Katie: Post transplant
The Family
Katie's Baptism
Katie's Easter Portraits
Katie's Visit to Children's
Wishing Wells Benefit
Katie's Cake
Katie on "Mystery Diagnosis"
Favorite Links
Guest Book
Katies Photo's
Katie's 11 Month Pictures

Awww. so sweet...

This one is Daddy's favorite. "I'm all ready to go... Can I Drive?"
katie has come a long way, she recently learned to sit on her own.

Babies love cute fuzzy things

We managed this shot before she tried to eat the baby chick!
Part of a healthy balanced diet

So innocent

Now if I could only get my legs to cooperate, I could crawl!
oh well i get around just fine rollin' and scootin'!

Who ever said "you shouldnt keep all your eggs in one basket"?
They took all my eggs, and I was still hungry!