Katie in the hospital
Katie's Journey
Katie's Story
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Katie's Transplant
Katie: Post transplant
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Katie's Baptism
Katie's Easter Portraits
Katie's Visit to Children's
Wishing Wells Benefit
Katie's Cake
Katie on "Mystery Diagnosis"
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Katies last visit to Children's
Katie was admitted to Children's for 16 days in April 2004.
She had an infection around her G-Tube, and a viral infection.
She stopped responding to the GCSF, even with an increased dose, her ANC is still below 500.
She is requiring transfusions again. Our transplant will be moved up to May, instead of June.
Katie's favorite Toys
Of course!, they always want what they are not supposed to have.
Katie learned to crawl by chasing a roll of medical tape.

Katie is such a ham! she loves to have her picture taken!!!