Katies Journey

Katie's Journey Katie's Story About SDS Katie's Transplant Katie: Post transplant The Family Katie's Baptism Katie's Easter Portraits Katie's Visit to Children's Learning Wishing Wells Benefit Katie's Cake Katie on "Mystery Diagnosis" Favorite Links Guest Book Contact

Meet Katie

Katie is 8 now!

She has been Diagnosed with Shwachman diamond syndrome, (SDS).

SDS is an extreemly rare, inherrited, bone marrow failure syndrome.

Katie had a bone marrow transplant May 25th 2004.

She is now in Second Grade and doing GREAT!


View this montage created at One True Media
Katie's Wish Come True

My favorite things

She loves to make up songs, and dance around the house to her favorite music. She loves Spaghetti amd Macaroni and Cheese, She loves to cook and create new things. and just learned how to swim last summer

Katie loves to read. and is now enjoyng the Junie B. Jones series of chapter books.






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SDS affects approximately 5 out of every million live births in the U.S. each year.





My Family

Katie lives with her Mom (Christina), Dad (Jason), Her Sister Alayna age 13, and her brother's Jonathan age 15, and Christopher age 7. Her sister Amanda is now 19 and Katie has a beautiful baby niece Natalie (6 Months)

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